Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Ringing In The Night...

1:40am - Fire Alarm bells begin ringing furiously
- daughter jumps out of bed, runs to kitchen, opens window, grabs tea towel to swing at the smoke detector, realizes that it's not the smoke detector but rather it's the building fire alarm, turns to run into bedroom to throw on clothes
- mom sits up in bed flailing her arms towards her nightstand trying to shut the alarm off and then realizes this is not morning and it is not an alarm clock, she stumbles out into hall asking "What is it?"
- I am dreaming peacefully and soundly while mom and daughter are running about talking loudly. The alarm has been inserted nicely into my dream so that my sleep can continue uninterrupted. I can't remember now exactly what I was doing in my dream that the insert of a very loud alarm had no impact or rather improved the situation, perhaps I was in the middle of robbing some expensive jewellery from a museum and I accidentally tripped the alarm. Yes that's it and I was just about to crawl out the window to safety when both my mom and daughter ran into my room yelling "Get up it's a FIRE ALARM" and they interrupted the whole thing.

The moral of this story announced later today by my mother is: I cannot live on my own. It's too dangerous for my own good and therefore, I'm lucky that she is here with me and she will make sure to stay with me forever.

Oh happy days! ;o)


Anonymous said...

Well... since you're posting this I'm assuming you and yours are safe, and the alarm was a false one!

Heh. Where would we be without out moms to protect us?


Suzy Snow said...

Ahh, you are so very perceptive of sissy sis! Yes it was a false alarm, but you never do know, so we all traipsed outside into the cold night air.