It started out by me taking the day off work on Friday and driving 3 hours to a place called Southampton, on Lake Huron. Beautiful little town on the edge of one of the great lakes. Beautiful sandy beaches, with even more beautiful homes and cottages along the edge.
My best/oldest friend Debbie was performing in the ,Canadian Big Band Celebration. She has been taking voice lessons for approx 10 years as a hobby. She works full time and has no intention of pursuing this professionally, however, as in everything she does, she strives for perfection and puts a lot of effort into her craft. She is a great singer. She has a wonderful voice and is usually scared shitless before a performance. This was the first time that she has done a gig like this, singing from 9:00pm to 1:00am.
She had her own cheering section, her mom and dad, brother and his wife, second cousin and his wife, a couple that they know, her husband Dennis and me. We grabbed the two tables in front of the bar with a good view, and short distance for refreshments.
The compliments were very heartfelt and generous and the only negative comments were in regards to the noisy tables in front of the bar. Debbie tried to pretend that she didn't know us.
I made an extra special effort to capture the essence of her performance through the lens of my daughter's digital camera. I was unaware that after several glasses of red wine, a Caesar, white wine, then back to red that the operation of the "dummy proof" equipment would become so difficult. I managed quite nicely in Ottawa. It's a piece of cake.
The pics looked good in the camera. Yes some of them were a little dark, well maybe a lot dark, but wasn't that what the photo software was for? Aren't you supposed to be able to lighten, colour correct, focus, bloody well reset the whole background if you want with that software? You can imagine my frustration when after all the doctoring this is what I got.
I took hundreds of snaps just like it. All dark, and when they are lightened up they are all blurry. It would seem that my hands may have been a tad shaky, or the flooring in the old legion was wobbly, causing the pictures to be fuzzy. Fuzzy and dark.
Intermittently, there are fabulous snaps like this one of me.
My dreams of escaping the mundane world that is mine Monday to Friday, to become a photo-journalist living on the edge are squashed. My ego is bruised, kind of all dark actually. *sniff* *sniff* I guess I'll have to turn my creative urgings to something simpler that I can handle. I wonder if there are any macrame classes starting up soon?
more musings on the weekend to be continued...
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