Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Online Dating

I know this topic is becoming boring but I'm going to venture into a wee bit of a rant anyway, so bear with me.

Two weeks ago, I was surprised to receive contacts from two strangers from an internet dating site that still had my profile from about two years ago. I thought that I had removed it when I became disillusioned by the whole process. Enough time has passed since then, that I was curious to see if perhaps this experience would be different from the last.

The first contact is always exciting. Getting a indicator or "ice breaker" to say someone is interested and then the subsequent emails back and forth as we start to share snippets of our personal lives to see if there is interest to proceed.

My personal theory is that you can get to know someone as much as you want online, but that does not guarantee that there will be any chemistry when you finally meet face to face. For this reason, I prefer to make the "face to face" meeting as soon as possible. Long before the hugs and kisses are sent via email.

I don't think the majority of men would agree with me. It seems that they are anxious to know if you are sexually savvy or not before they invest in a cup of coffee. I've made up my mind on this matter though, after a previous experience where too much was divulged prior to that first meeting and the person that I fell in love with was a figment of my imagination, not the person that I was stumbling to try and converse with over dinner.

There is nothing like the real thing and to get the real thing, that means you have to get up from behind your monitor and venture out into the real world and tackle it. That could mean that you will have endless "first dates", and endure endless cups of coffee while you look for Mr. or Mrs. Right, but if you are serious, then it shouldn't matter how long it takes or how many dates you go on, because the alternative is; you sitting behind your monitor on a Friday or Saturday night alone.

So with this theory as my mandate, I respond to the emails showing genuine interest in learning about the other person by asking questions and sharing little bits of myself with every question I ask. I don't just ask a barrage of questions and then share nothing. I think it's fair that for the type of question I ask that I be willing to divulge the same to the other party.

It always starts out very promising. Interest in meeting face to face is always expressed early on and then the unthinkable happens. While I'm waiting to actually be asked for a date or for my phone number, the emails stop. Stop completely. No indication that the interest has diminished or that I said something wrong, just no further contact.

If you believe all the "relationship/dating" books out there, then you know that you have to let the man pursue you, otherwise, you will scare the skittish creatures to run quickly into the forest to escape a possible committment. With this in mind, I resist sending an email to find out if the other person is still alive or if perhaps even worse, I've inadvertently said something that turned/scared them off. It could be that I didn't say something to hold their interest; refusing to respond with similar romantic nonsense promising to be the one that they will cling to for all eternity after they've been smitten with my incredible personality and sexual prowess.

No, that would be too easy, to give all kinds of graphic emails explaining explicitly how I would perform wonderful feats never experienced before. I'm sure the request for a date would be forthcoming quickly, but then the expectation would be there to fulfill those promises. The reality is that once you are standing face to face, no matter how much chemistry you think you have online, there might not be one little shred of it when you actually see one another. So then what? Talk about an awkward moment. That is the kind of moment I would like to avoid.

So I prefer to take the riskier (no date), conserative approach. I tell you about me, you tell me about you, and if we are both intrigued then perhaps it will move to the next level; the in person meeting, where both parties can see if there is any chemistry. If you don't click then no harm has been done, but if you do, then by all means, proceed at your own pace.

I think I am being resonable and mature about the whole process. So what is the problem? Is it that the available males out there are too immature to realize the bullshit that is being shovelled their way? Or is it that all they are trolling for is another roll in the hay anyway?


Mike Da Hat said...

YOu seem to have it sussed OK. It all makes sense to me. 1st dates could soon be an olympic event.

PPQ said...

Grrr aaarrrgggh....i wrote a comment this morning, and it obviously didn't work.

And now I have nothing clever to say.


Anonymous said...

"... the person that I fell in love with was a figment of my imagination, not the person that I was stumbling to try and converse with over dinner."

Ah, the allure and danger of online relationships. That's such a simple thing to do - falling in love with a ghost. And it's not that the other person is being evasive or dishonest, it's just the nature of the medium. There's too much you miss by not being there.

I think your approach to online dating is right on the mark. Online Meeting, is more like it. And the ones who just stopped writing? Pffft. I don't think I wanna know what you missed out on.

- Pierette

Suzy Snow said...

So I'm right then Mikel? All they want is a roll in the hay? Hmmm, ok.

PPQ, don't you just hate blogger sometimes? ;o)

Pierette, you're right Sissy. That's what I told myself too, but this is the very reason why I decided a long time ago, that the better way to meet someone is by chance, in real life, like we did it in the old days.

ttt said...

I too tried this during a.....ahem...seperation period about 3 years ago and had several "first dates". True most of them didn't work, some led to one night sex, others to nowhere, but at least 3 led to long term friendships that have endured even after my "reconciliation". I prefer a rather romanticised vision of the Online dating/Meeting scenario. Back before we had phones, computers etc, people used to write to each other. People fell in love this way, perhaps they started as friends or prospective partners. Perhaps they were seperated by war or continent. It would take weeks for the letter to arrive, and people had to think about what they wrote. They had to make sure that ambiguity didn't slip into the writing. They were called "love letters". Nowadays I see email as the instant equivalent, and with a modicum of intelligence you can use the medium as a means of structured interviewing, whereby with carefully thought out statements and questions it becomes easy to identify the chancers or the liars. I agree it doesn't guarantee blooming perpetual love, but it makes it a bit more certain that the first meet is not wasted in stumbling silence. Oh yeah, and don't forget that the odd one night stand is good for the single soul, male or female, although I agree that sex is generally more throwaway with us men. But things are changing and todays female youngsters are far more sexually aggressive than when I was young. In fact they quite scare me! Nah, give me the more mature women, because they know what they want in bed, and they know how to get it and give it!

Fantastic post - GrocerJack

Anonymous said...

Too bad Sinefeld is over, they would have had fun tackling internet dating!! I toohave lost my interest in cyber-romance. There should only be one site named "one night stand dot com" and leave it at that.

Suzy Snow said...

I miss Seinfeld so much. It was one of my favourite programs. Ah well...oh they do have a dating service like that, it's called Ashley Maddison dot com. It's for attached people who are looking for more... Another sign of the times, where infidelity is treated as just another common occurrance.