One of the news broadcasts they were advertising yesterday for the Six O’clock slot was about a “seniors only” park. I missed the actual story but was intrigued by the little clip. It showed sprightly seniors standing/sitting around a fishing pond, each with pole in hand, casting aimlessly.
I told my mother that her generation is selfish. Hogging a park and making it out of bounds to youngun’s (anyone under 65) is selfish.
“Wait until your generation is my age! Then we’ll see who’s selfish.”
Maybe I’ll be happy to have a Seniors Only Park in a couple of years. I envisioned driving my mother to the park in the morning on my way to work.
“You have a fun day Mom. I’ll get you later.”
“Don’t leave me out here all night like you did the last time.”
Right, I did forget her that day. I was so distracted with my job and trying to pick up Melissa that I completely forgot about her. My sister didn’t help either when I called and asked her to pick Mom up.
“What?! No I can’t go get her. I’m busy. I have to pick up Matty. You know that. Geez Shelly, she’ll be ok. You can get her tomorrow.”
No maybe it won’t be any use to me. I can see it’s going to be more bother than it’s worth. She’ll just have to be happy in the apartment with the computer and television for entertainment.
Wow. Does the Canadian equivalent of the Parks and Recreation department have a booth at the gate? Do they ask to see your license and AARP card before you can get in? LOL...
Well, I don't think this is a healthy concept. I think more than ever young people need to learn skills and fishing for many urban kids is an impossible dream. Kids can't even make soup or cook a dinner...and bonding and role models with fishing would be an incredible opportunity for everyone. For the kids, and for older adults to find out what kind of things kids are doing and to help keep them young at heart. I don't believe ins egregated apartments for older adults either. I know some people may be grumpy and not like the noise and music of younger people but they should go off and be hermits. It is dangerous for us not to be a community and respect our elders and hopefully...the elders will learn to respect younger people. My experience says age does not promise wisdom...and older generations have much to learn from younger about the environment, gas and pollution and nutrition and war. We need fresh ideas amongst the community and fresh ways to be a community. We need to work together not continue to label people by class, skin colour or age.
oops sorry i really rambled there yikes! ha ha!
Thank you for taking the time to ramble Candy. You expressed many of my own thoughts on this subject. It seems to me that we are purposely going out of our way to isolate ourselves more and more and I personally believe that this is unnatural and unhealthy.
Pierette, ha! I am not sure if this park is in Canada or the States because when I tried to find the article, my searches came up with everything but. Damn I wish I had paid more attention to the clip. :o) But in answer to your question, yes we do have gate keepers. hehehehhee
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