Sunday, June 25, 2006


I love the Sunday Star (Toronto Star). The Saturday edition used to be my favourite but now it’s the Sunday Star that gets my attention. The articles are interesting and have less to do with news and more to do with general interests, hence my infatuation.

This morning in the Ideas section there was an article: Warning: This Story Could Get You High. It was about the theory of Irving Biederman, professor of neuroscience at the University of Southern California.

His theory shows the link between learning new things and the release of opioids during neural activity. The article further explains why we get bored with old songs, movies viewed too many times etc.

I was always proud of the fact that I love learning new things, but now I’m slightly embarrassed to realize that I’m just an addict. Who knew?!?


Anonymous said...

Interesting reading. Do you suppose that's what drives "professional students"? I love learning new things, too. Currently I am struggling with learning how engines work. If the 20-watt bulb EVER goes off, illuminating the current chapter I'm reading about ignition systems -- oh yeah, the opoids will be flowin'!

It's about time you blogged, Missy. Don't stay away so long!
~ Pierette

Candy Minx said...

Oh funny, I thought I had responded to this post, must have pushed a wrong button. I hope to find this article online because I love learning new things too. thanks for the heads up!

Suzy Snow said...

Hey Candy! If you click on the link in the post it will take you to the story in the newspaper.

Hope you enjoy.

Thanks for checking in!

Candy Minx said...

Thank you! Um, I came across a blog through friends that is doing an idea of "20 comments Wednesday" to see how it affects blogging and visitors etc. So I got a list of twenty I am going to link at my blog...and the The Pie Shop at is going to post them on Wednesday. I put a little post about the concept on my blog...and as I said I included your blog in my I thought I would give you a heads up, and I also hoped you would let me know if this changed the number of comments you recieved and visitors to your blog. do you have a counter on your blog? I didn't notice, but if you don't then you can go to's a little square with a planet in it. click on it...and then follow the simple directions and copy the html they give you and then load it into your template.

Obviously if you have a counte rthen disregard my sugesstion:)

I think this guy at blog "the pie shop" has a great concept and may boost the morale of several bloogers out there in blog land.

If you get the time or inclination...I'd really love to know if this affected your blog or blog experience.


Candy Minx said...

Oh sorry to be so talkative, I just noticed you have a sitemeter silly me ha ha! As you were...but still, I
'd love to know if this affected you from me linking you yesterday...and then if anything new happens Wednesday...also...Pie Shop has html for a button for 20 comments if you are interested and I posted a blurb about it at my blog too.

Okay, I'll shut up now!

Suzy Snow said...

I'll certainly let you know if it makes a difference Candy! Great idea and thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love learning new things too. I'm always the first one at work desperate to go on every new training course that comes along, no matter how arcane. And I love change just for change's sake, which probably goes hand-in-hand with that. So I'm addict, heh! *chuckle*