Saturday, July 08, 2006


Fit people can be dinks. No, they can be assholes. I wonder if I will turn into one when I lose the extra invisible person that I carry around with me each day.

This morning while I was out enjoying my Saturday morning walk I came upon a couple of men and a woman on bicycles heading in the opposite direction. The guy in the lead was complaining about a “fat woman with her two year old and stroller” who had impeded his progress one day because they didn’t jump out of his way. They were right in the middle of the wide trail. I caught a fragment of the woman empathizing with him before their conversation was lost in the wind “…and you were on your bike!”

It’s no wonder that people who are overweight refrain from joining fitness clubs or going out to popular walking/biking trails. Children are not the only ones who can be cruel. People at my age, can be so intolerable and insensitive to others, that it makes me sick.

You really have to have a thick skin and be very selfish in your desire to become healthy so that people like that do not make you want to hide yourself away in your home.

I guess he didn’t notice the big sign that instructs “slow walkers” to walk in the middle of the multi-use trail so that people who are flying through on their silent bikes will be able to go around them. Asshole!


Anonymous said...

This is completely unrelated to this blog entry, but I thought you might find some of the comments interesting.

Dell Chastized Over Customer Service

Candy Minx said...

This is all so true. And it doesn't matter what size you are some people can be such assholes. Selfish assholes. I hate when people don't figure out the protocol to fitness trails and walks. Bikes can go on the grass so easily. And bikes should always move for pedestrians. Pedestrians should make sre they are in the correct lane too. That is unforgivable the comments you overheard. It makes me sick when people judge size and colour or anything superficial. Nevermind all the challenges people may have for even beginning a fitness program or trying to enjoy the outdoors or...

to change their lives in general. It seems obvious to me that people who are working out or walking are challenging who they are and how they want to live...wouldn't it make sense to assume they have already been through something to inspire them to make changes or to try and get a new habit for their lifestyle.

It's frustrating that people who are biking wouldn't be hip to this concept.

Just stopping by to say hi!!!

Suzy Snow said...

Hey Evan, that was very interesting. Thanks for the link!

Candy, always nice to hear your thoughts and see you visit!

Anonymous said...

Our protocol here in Edinburgh is that cyclists must ring their bell when they come tearing up to walkers. If the walkers are walking in single file that's okay, but if not, it's a definite must to ring your bell. I only shot by a pedestrian once with no warning on my bike - it was the first time I'd ever been out on a cyclepath and I didn't know the rules. I quite deservedly got a mouthful of abuse, and now I always make sure I ring my bell. It just feels really ill-mannered though, somehow! If I'm going fairly slowly I'll call out "excuse me", but if I'm flying along I'll just ring the bell and what the heck. Walkers move out the way and seem quite unperturbed. The next problem is joggers wearing iPods. I just cause a draught when I pass them - they can't hear my bell.

I think it's great seeing people out walking, whether it's overweight people starting a fitness programme (kudos to them!) or people just going from A to B. It's healthy, and good for you!

Candy Minx said...

Just saying hi...are you out enjoying the weather? Becareful if you are walking or working out okay? Is it hot there like it is here?

Yesterday was 47...47!!!!! Today is low at 33, and it's weird how it seems cool compared to yesterday. All relative I guess.


Suzy Snow said...

Hey there Candy! Thanks for stopping in. I was away last week and work has been interfering with my blogging and blog reading. I really have to do something about that.

The weather has been far too hot for me to walk lately, but we got terrible storms last night which has eliminated our heat wave for now! Yeah!!

Thanks for dropping by!

Suzy Snow said...

Hi Croila! I wouldn't mind if the cyclists here would ring their bells. Some of them do and it is greatly appreciated especially when you are listening to music through headphones.

I actually decided to take mine off the last time I was out because I couldn't hear them coming up behind me. I guess I could have turned the tunes down, but music always sounds better when it's loud!

Thanks for stopping by!